Terres Cortal Sauvignon blanc comes from vineyards located on the hillsides, along the Mediterranean sea, consisting of chalky clay soils with sand and gravel. The nose is clean, fresh and vibrant with enticing ripe fruit. The palate is crisp and elegant, with well-balanced weight - fresh grapefruit, white fruit and hints of quince.
SO Vignerons, Daniel Orsolini, Claude Serra, les Domaines de Virginie
So Vignerons is a small “negoce” structure, producing typical quality Languedoc wines. The company was founded by Daniel Orsolini and Claude Serra in 2005.
The Philosophy behind So Vignerons is to produce high quality, modern style of Languedoc wines at very affordable prices. This has been made possible by the long term contracts the team has signed with local growers, having Claude as the winemaker/consultant to all the growers and finally by using a state of the art bottling line.
Claude Serra, winemaker consultant, also professor at Montpellier University of Oenology is managing the viticulture and winemaking.
All the wines are vinified by Claude and come from vineyards located on specially selected “terroirs” producing characteristic varietals from this region.